Here’s the Rules!
[ mgs] [/mgs]
The first line of the input should be [ mgs]. The last line should [ /mgs]. Everything else should be between these tags. Simple? Of course!
Place your chord inside the [ ] brackets. The chord will automatically jump above the line and turn orange; just like the songs on our website!
This tag should be used for each new section (chorus, verse etc.). It makes the title of each section bold and makes reading your songs easier. ;
This is pretty cool. Add { } tags around a chord and an image of the chord placement will appear. We advise adding these tags at the bottom of the page, just like our posts! Learn about creating custom chords here.
What’s Next?
This Is How The The Chords Work!

Get Creative
(Be Inventive!)
Want to create your song AND be able to save your progress? Use our favourite online editor CodePen (just use the HTML field; nothing else)! Add your text, save it, edit it and paste it to here when finished! Cool! Check our example below to see how to use the tool!
Upload your transcribed songs here and get your own beautiful PDF songbook or publish them on Pinterest!
See the Pen Somebody’s Love – Passenger by Stefano (@myguitarsongs) on CodePen.